Stress Is A Nervous System Reaction

Your autonomic nervous system (ANS) is the part of your nervous system that maintains harmony and a sense of inner equilibrium inside your body.

Whatever you feel, your ANS will be feeling, and in fact, anything you feel “automatically” your ANS will be responsible for. For example, your appetite, your mood, your ability to think clearly and even your sexual urges are all controlled by your ANS. If you feel excitement, dread, fear, anger, hunger and sleep all have their home in the ANS. But as you are about to see, the ANS can bring us to heaven as well as make us feel like we are in hell! 

 It is important to understand that your ANS is divided into two distinctly separate nervous systems, one which stimulates the nerve fibers, the sympathetic nervous system or SNS, and the other which sedates nerve fibers, the parasympathetic nervous system or PNS. It may be easier for you to remember that the SNS is the accelerator and the PNS is the brake. 

It is the ANS that gets our body ready to rally for any likely emergency it may face, and this will occur whether the emergency is real or imaginary. It makes no difference really, for your brain cannot tell the difference between a real or imaginary stress. The well- know “fight-or-fight” response as discovered by the famous endocrinologist Dr. Hans Selye, is the main system that is stimulated by any potentially stressful event in the body, the sympathetic nervous system. 

When your body is in a healthy state of balance, there is a smooth transition between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems not unlike a considerate and courteous driver who gently accelerates and then gently brakes. It is a pleasure travelling in a vehicle driven by a person who understands the gentle balance between powering a motor car up when required, but has learned equally when to power it down smoothly.   

You see, in a healthy and balanced body these two branches of the ANS maintain perfect harmony. The SNS allows us to act and effectively deal with any kind of stress in our lives, its responses sharpen the mind, quicken the pulse, tense our musculature and move blood to the areas we need in order to escape the threat (constrict the blood vessels). But after this danger has passed, the PNS will take over and calm our mind, relax the blood vessels (dilate), decrease the heartbeat, move blood back to our digestive organs, stimulate our immune system and clear away any metabolic wastes like residues of adrenalin and lactic acid. 

 This is how it should happen, but in reality it doesn’t really occur this way in humans. Tension and action should be followed by relaxation and inaction, a yin and yang balance. In today’s world many of us have to stay on guard and rarely find downtime or “me” time. If the imbalance becomes chronic it can often lead to a whole variety of stress-related symptoms. 

Breathing and NeuraSonic

Were you aware that many people in fact over-breathe (hyperventilate), and all too many believe that deep breathing is one of the best ways of stimulating the PNS when in fact it stimulates the SNS, the stress response ?!

Breathing is one activity that has a most profound effect on your parasympathetic nervous system, and most people will be quick to tell you that deep breathing is the correct way to induce relaxation, and that to practice deep breathing on a daily basis is most advantageous during times of stress and anxiety.  

The reason that slow breathing is so effective is that during times of stress, heart rate and respiration rapidly increase as the sympathetic nervous system takes over. 

Correct breathing (which helps to balance the correct oxygen/carbon dioxide level) helps convince the body there is no immediate danger and allows the parasympathetic nervous system to regain control. 

NeuraSonic by using Gregorian Chants and Mozart Music with a twist is an approach known to retrain dysfunctional breathing and bring significant health improvements,  based on the theory that many diseases result from an abnormal breathing pattern. To be more specific, conditions such as asthma, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, panic disorders, high blood pressure, etc. are believed to be the body’s responses (a defense mechanism) to hyperventilation or in simple terms; over-breathing. 

Over-breathing disturbs the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in our lungs: more than 200 different chronic diseases are essentially just one, which we might call “the deep-breathing disease”. 
By simply decreasing the depth of breathing, thus allowing carbon dioxide in the lungs to reach the desired level of 6.5, breathing normalizes and symptoms can disappear. Though most people may think of it as a poison, carbon dioxide may, in fact, be the “breath of life”. 

 If you want to really learn how to breathe properly and overcome excessive yawning, coughing, sneezing, sniffing, sighing or any one of a host of breathing related problems  

Here are some of the indirect benefits of NeuraSonic :

- Deal with stress and anxiety quickly and effectively 

- Enjoy more energy and a happier state of mind 

- Control the feeling of panic attacks

- Safely reduce or eliminate medication in time 

- Sleep soundly through the night

- Have a clear nose - experience the joy of being able to smell again 

- Eliminate snoring for a better night’s sleep for you and your partner

- Monitor your condition without gadgets or machinery

- Return to activities or places you love, but have avoided because of your health

- Enjoy physical activity without fear of asthma attacks or other breathing problems

- Improve your athletic performance, stamina and recovery time

- Have freedom from symptoms related to chronic conditions

- Reduce snoring, sniffing, wheezing, shortness of breath

- Gain knowledge about your medication and its side effects

- Eliminate sore throats and hoarseness

- Reduce the incidence of headaches, earaches and stomach aches

- Enhance exercise and sports performance, have more stamina

- Greatly reduce your absentee rate at work or school 

 Nasal Breathing, Not Mouth Breathing

NeuraSonic emphasizes the importance of nasal breathing, which protects the airways by humidifying, warming, and cleaning the air entering the lungs. Many people breathe through their mouth however, do you? By keeping the nose clear and encouraging nasal breathing during the day, nighttime symptoms can also improve. Nasal breathing only during any physical exercise is another key element, and you will find that your performance will improve if you adhere to this.