The NeuraSonic subscription model is tailored for individuals who prioritize flexibility in their listening habits.
Flexibility: Our subscription model offers users flexibility in accessing content. It is designed for individuals who prefer listening at their own pace, at various times, or without a set structure.
On-demand listening: The NeuraSonic subscription model allows users to listen to content on-demand. This flexibility caters to individuals who desire the freedom to choose their listening preferences without adhering to a predetermined schedule.
Continuous access: The NeuraSonic subscription model ensures continuous access to the selected listening course, empowering users to listen whenever they wish.
Stress Buster
Subscription, Relaxation, Stress Reduction, Ear gymnastic, 60-minute sessions
Stress Less
Course • 252 lessonsThrough vagus nerve reset, it creates a state of physical and chemical relaxation that works immediately and has a profound effect on our well-being to reverse abuse of our friends and family. 85% Mozart Music - 15% Sacred Chants and Sacred Sounds.
$21.95 / month
Subscription, Relaxation, Stress Reduction, High anxiety, Ear gymnastic, 60-minute sessions
Stress Less, lower intensity
Course • 324 lessonsThrough vagus nerve reset, it creates a state of physical and chemical relaxation that works immediately and has a profound effect on our well-being to reverse abuse of our friends and family. 50% Mozart Music - 50% Sacred Chants and Sacred Sounds.
$21.95 / month
Subscription, Relaxation, Stress Reduction, Unmanageable anxiety, Ear gymnastic, 60-minute sessions
Stress Less, very low intensity
Course • 36 lessonsThrough vagus nerve reset, it creates a state of physical and chemical relaxation that works immediately and has a profound effect on our well-being to reverse abuse of our friends and family. 0% Mozart Music - 100% Sacred Chants and Sacred Sounds.
$21.95 / month